Elf Owl Survey #1 - Tucson Mountain District Monday April 6

04/06/2020 06:30 PM - 10:00 PM MT


Important Bird Area Survey


Saguaro National Park is coordinating with Tucson Audubon for these surveys and a ranger or two may even be joining us. We will be hiking along moonlit trails in teams of two or three and listening for Elf Owls and periodically playing their calls to try and goad them into calling back to us. You must have reasonably good hearing and be comfortable walking a trail at night while using a headlamp or flashlight. These two surveys are scheduled during the full moon to try and have as much light as possible but it will still be quite dark out there! This is something new for Tucson Audubon and we may encounter other owl species, cool reptiles and who knows what else!