Protect Birds & Their Habitats
Birds & Community
Protect Birds & Their Habitats
Birds & Community
There is an abundance of evidence, both anecdotal and scientific, that the ecological influence of tropical Mexico has grown over the last century in Southeastern Arizona. Mammals such as Javalina and White-nosed Coati have both extended their range out the tropics into southern Arizona as part of this larger ecological system expansion. The expansion continues even today with the birding community noting the recent increase in prevalence of Gray Hawks, and rarities in general, including the recent first ever US nesting record of Tufted Flycatcher this past spring. Elegant Trogons are also part of this story with their United States range expanding over the last century which can be tracked with mainly anecdotal evidence and isolated incidents of collecting.
To further our understanding of how many Elegant Trogons there are in the US, organized surveys have been ongoing in the Chiricahuas and Huachucas led by Rick Taylor for many years, and beginning in 2013 Jennie MacFarland and Tucson Audubon assisted Rick and helped expand the surveys to three more ranges. The new areas we surveyed the last four years are the Atascosa Highlands, Santa Rita Mountains and Patagonia Mountains. Learn more about this survey effort here.
2024 Elegant Trogon Survey Dates
These surveys are an all morning commitment and could be more depending on how far away you live. The survey areas are all located in SE Arizona. There is a chance you will see an Elegant Trogon but it is certainly not guaranteed. This is a survey and it is important that areas get checked where a trogon could be even if it is not the most likely location. Many routes require hiking but we always have a few that are suitable for those not comfortable hiking. Let us know if you need one of these routes. This is important conservation work – thank you for signing up! If you need more information please call Jennie at (520) 360-2213
If you have not previously done an Elegant Trogon Survey with Tucson Audubon Society, you must watch the short video linked below before signing up. In the video I explain exactly what is invovled in a survey and what one can expect during the course of a survey day.