Birdathon Report
30 days
8 states
186 birds!
I started this Birdathon (my first) with low expectations. I was hoping for 102 bird species and planning to bird throughout Arizona. However, life had other plans.
I started the month getting out every day visiting different parks, preserves and birding sites throughout Southern Arizona. Then my grandmother passed, and I was afforded the opportunity to go on a road trip out to Missouri and what better way to turn a sad moment into a good moment than to bird along the way. The most exciting birds I saw during the road trip were the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher and the Tufted Titmouse. Then I was able to go on a quick vacation at the end of the Month and make my way out to Bandon, Oregon via Las Vegas, and Tahoe.
The absolute most exciting sight was in Las Vegas. I noticed a man taking pictures and went over to check out what he was seeing and up in the tree there was the fluffiest, most beautiful baby owls. Three gorgeous little babies were starting to explore their tree. It made me so happy as owls are my favorite.
The second most exciting sight was a young bald eagle swooping down on a bunch of Common Murres and causing them to go into a dread flight. A dread flight is when the Common Murres get scared and like a domino effect all jump off their rock into ocean one after another. It was so different and exciting to watch.
All in all, I exceeded my goals. Despite driving my husband quackers going out birding so much, this was a wonderful and fun experience. I was able to explore Southern Arizona and our local parks, as well as learning about birds in other states.
Thank you for the opportunity and your support in this endeavor.
EBird Trip Report
Birdathon is one of Tucson Audubon’s largest fundraisers and has existed for over 35 years! It’s a great way to use our love of bird watching to support Tucson Audubon’s mission to inspire people to enjoy and protect birds.
By donating to one or more Birdathon teams you are ensuring Tucson Audubon’s vital work can continue well into the future. Whether it's preserving critical habitats, educating future stewards of the environment, or advocating for bird-friendly policies, your support makes a tangible difference.
Birdathon donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tucson Audubon Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Join us in making a difference for birds and their habitats by donating or pledging to a Birdathon team today!
Supporting a team by writing a check?
Supporters | |||
Name | Date | Amount | Comments |
Marcia Grand | 06/01/2024 | $2,010.00 | Moriah Lambert | 05/13/2024 | $.00 | Arthur Matthews | 05/09/2024 | $51.96 | Laura A. Davis | 04/17/2024 | $25.00 | Kathy Gose-Major | 04/17/2024 | $51.96 | Peter Cote | 03/29/2024 | $25.00 | Please see me an Elegant Trogon | Bonnie Larson | 03/27/2024 | $25.00 | For Moriah Lambert’s birdathon |
Total | $2,188.92 |