Team "Birding from the Highchair" is back for our second Birdathon with Tucson Audubon, with team members Lissie, Dan, Cassin, Matt, Andrea Jaquette, and David Robinson!
Our goal is to raise $2,000 to help protect birds and their environment. The incredible staff at Tucson Audubon work so hard to inspire people to enjoy and protect birds and their habit. Tucson Audubon has enriched our lives in so many ways: we've gone on organized bird walks at Sweetwater Wetlands, learned more about birds through Zoom lectures, searched for Elegant Trogons as part of a survey, and seen rare Violet-Crowned Hummingbirds at the Paton Center. Now it's our time to give back to Tucson Audubon.
Our team kicked off our month of birding in Carlsbad, California, with a walk together along the bluffs. Then we scattered to the winds, searching for birds in Tucson and other parts of Southern Arizona, as well as Northern Arizona, Southern California, Nevada, and even New Jersey and Pennsylvania! Finally, the Jaquettes will reunite in Payson to close out the month with a grand birding hurrah (while camping).
There are two ways you can contribute: you can make a fixed donation or you can pledge an amount per bird. You could pledge $1 for each bird species we see this month, or $5 for every Vermillion Flycatcher (Tucson Audubon's mascot), or $10 for every Cassin's namesake bird that any of us sees (Cassin's Finch, Cassin's Kingbird, etc), or $20 for every bird that Cassin correctly IDs (so far, we're at 'Turkey Vulture') ... let your imagination go wild! The zanier the challenge that you come up with, the more fun it is for all of us :)
BONUS: Sweets at Sweetwater! Last year's excursion to Sweetwater Wetlands was so much fun (not to mention delicious) that we're making it a tradition. Come birding with Lissie at Sweetwater Wetlands at 7:30am on April 29th. Donation of $10 / family encouraged, we'll provide the baked goods. Email if you're interested in joining us!
BONUS #2: Follow along at this link as we find more birds!
We'll be sharing updates, bird sightings, and photos with you here and by email. And thank YOU for supporting our Birdathon -- we are so grateful to you and your contributions to Tucson Audubon!
Birds have a unique, special, and different meaning to each of us. So, too, is each of our connection with Tucson Audubon Society personal and distinct. During Birdathon, we combine the love of bird watching during spring migration with support for bird conservation.
Birdathoners are birders and social fundraisers, joining together to make a difference for the birds and habitats of Southeast Arizona. Birdathoners continue a tradition that has held strong for over 30 years!
Each Birdathoner's personal network of supporters is what helps makes Birdathon possible.
Birdathon donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tucson Audubon Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Supporting a team by writing a check?
Supporters | |||
Name | Date | Amount | Comments |
Marcia Grand | 08/16/2023 | $2,300.00 | Peter B. Jaquette | 06/08/2023 | $501.00 | Elisabeth Jaquette | 05/11/2023 | $.00 | Elisabeth Jaquette | 05/11/2023 | $193.07 |
Total | $2,994.07 |