Sonoita Peep-Squeaks
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Sonoita Peep-Squeaks
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The Sonoita Peep-Squeaks (7 team members, ages 4 to 13) hit the trails for this year's Tucson Audubon's Birdathon fundraiser.  Thanks to Marcia Grand for the exciting pledge challenges listed below under "pledges". The Peeps hit all the Special Pledge challenge finds!! See all the species listed below. As always, we thank everyone and most especially the Peeps, their Team Leaders, and the team moms and dads for their excellent efforts in getting the job done!!

  1. Elf Owl
  2. Western Screech (or Whiskered?) Owl
  3. Northern Pygmy Owl
  4. Great-Horned Owl
  5. Acorn Woodpecker
  6. Arizona Woodpecker
  7. Common Raven
  8. Chihahua Raven 
  9. Gray Hawk
  10. Red-tailed Hawk
  11. Swainson's Hawk
  12. Vermilion Flycatcher
  13. Say's Phoebe
  14. Black Phoebe
  15. Gambel's Quail
  16. Scaled Quail
  17. Wild Turkey
  18. Snowy Egret
  19. Eurasian-collared Dove
  20. Mourning Dove
  21. White-tipped Dove
  22. Inca Dove
  23. White-throated Swift
  24. Anna's Hummingbird
  25. Broad-tailed Hummingbird
  26. Costa's Hummingbird
  27. Northern Beardless Tyrannulet
  28. Brown-crested Flycatcher
  29. White-crowned Sparrow
  30. Lazuli Bunting
  31. Pigeon
  32. House Finch
  33. Killdeer
  34. Turkey Vulture
  35. Black Vulture
  36. Brewer's Blackbird
  37. Yellow-headed Blackbird
  38. Brown-headed Cowbird
  39. Evening Grosbeak
  40. Verdin
  41. Curve-billed Thrasher
  42. Canyon Towhee
  43. Abert's Towhee
  44. Double-crested Cormorant
  45. Pyrrhuloxia
  46. Barn Swallow
  47. Mexican Duck
  48. Broad-billed Hummingbird
  49. Rufous Hummingbird
  50. Rivoli's Hummingbird
  51. Violet-crowned Hummingbird
  52. Black-chinned Hummingbird
  53. Lesser Goldfinch
  54. American Goldfinch
  55. Grackle
  56. Yellow-rumped Warbler
  57. Great Blue Heron
  58. Zone-tailed Hawk
  59. Gila Woodpecker
  60. Lucy's Warbler
  61. Western Meadowlark
  62. Lark Sparrow
  63. Lesser Scaup
  64. Horned Lark
  65. Tropical Kingbird
  66. Western Kingbird
  67. Cassin's Kingbird
  68. Western Tanager
  69. Summer Tanager
  70. Bullock's oriole
  71. Hooded Oriole 
  72. White-winged Dove
  73. Gray Hawk
  74. Steller's Jay
  75. Spotted Towhee
  76. Scott's Oriole
  77. Mexican Jay
  78. Painted Redstart
  79. Black-throated Gray Warbler
  80. Grace's Warbler
  81. Ash-throated Flycatcher
  82. Dusky-capped Flycatcher
  83. American Robin
  84. Elegant Trogon
  85. American Coot
  86. Phainopepla
  87. Spotted Sandpipers
  88. Bridled Titmouse
  89. Cardinal
  90. Barn Owl
  91. Roadrunner
  92. Montezuma Quail
  93. Red-winged Blackbird
  94. Crested Caracara
  95. Canyon Wren
  96. Northern Flicker
  97. Common Poorwill
  98. Plumbeous Vireo
  99. Warbling Vireo
  100. Violet-Green Swallow
  101. White-breasted Nuthatch
  102. Bewick's Wren
  103. Swainson's Thrush
  104. House Sparrow
  105. Black-throated Sparrow
  106. Song Sparrow
  107. Yellow-breasted Chat
  108. Bronzed Cowbird
  109. Yellow Warbler
  110. Wilson's Warbler
  111. Hepatic Tanger
  112. Black-headed Grosbeak
  113. Pyrrhuloxia

Rattler: 2

  1.  Max, Audrey, and Axel spotted 2 Diamond-back Rattlesnakes, probably emerging from their den (a gravesite?) now that weather is warming. 

Tiny Owls: 3

  1. Elf Owl
  2. Screech Owl (Western or Whiskered) 
  3. Northern Pigmy Owl

Frogs: 3

  1. American Bullfrog
  2. Chiricahua Leopard Frog
  3. Canyon Tree Frog

Large Lizard: 1

  1. Desert Iguana

Mammals: 4

  1. Mule Deer
  2. Bobcat
  3. Coyote
  4. Skunk

Active Nest:

  1. Common Raven
  2. Barn Swallow
  3. Killdeer
  4. Eurasian-collared Dove
  5. House Sparrow
  6. American Kestrel
  7. Curve-billed Thrasher
  8. Broad-billed Hummingbird
  9. Golden Eagle
  10. Red-tailed Nest (with chicks)
  11. Gila Woodpecker
  12. Northern Flicker

Saguaro with Active Nest: 

  1. Crested Caracara
  2. Red-tailed Hawk

Any 5 Hummingbirds:

  1.  Broad-billed
  2.  Rufous 
  3.  Black-chinned 
  4.  Rivoli's
  5.  Violet-crowned

Mountain Lion: 1  after spotting tracks we were able to find it on the trail cam. 




  • Marcia Grand: $10/species; $100 for a rattler; $150 for 3 species Tiny Owls; $100 for 3 species frogs; $150 for a Large Lizard like a Gila Monster, Desert Iguana, Chuckwalla, etc; $150 for any 3 – javelina, coyote, bobcat, racoon, jackrabbit, skunk, deer, coatimundi; $10 for each working nest; $150 for one saguaro with an active nest in it; $150 for any 5 hummingbirds; $250 for mountain lion.
ABOUT Birdathon 2023



Birds have a unique, special, and different meaning to each of us. So, too, is each of our connection with Tucson Audubon Society personal and distinct. During Birdathon, we combine the love of bird watching during spring migration with support for bird conservation.

Birdathoners are birders and social fundraisers, joining together to make a difference for the birds and habitats of Southeast Arizona. Birdathoners continue a tradition that has held strong for over 30 years! 

Each Birdathoner's personal network of supporters is what helps makes Birdathon possible. 

Birdathon donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tucson Audubon Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Supporting a team by writing a check?

  • Make checks payable to: Tucson Audubon Society
  • Write the team name on memo line
  • Mail to: 
    Tucson Audubon Society
    PO Box 91770
    Tucson, AZ 85752


Name Date Amount Comments
Marcia Grand 08/16/2023 $2,500.00  
Steven Crandall 05/09/2023 $26.08 Great job Team Sonoita Peep-Squeaks!
Lee Rosenblum 04/08/2023 $26.08  
Katherine Cudney 03/20/2023 $50.00 Colibri' Art Studio & Gallery is proud to support the Sonoita Peep-Squeaks birdathon! Let's Go Peep-Squeaks!!
  Total $2,602.16  
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