Tim Helentjaris - Wrenegades
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Tim Helentjaris - Wrenegades
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So, it’s Spring again and I am excited to be a member of the Wrenegades birding team, with the opportunity to raise money for a worthy organization and have fun at the same time.  This year, we’re planning to maximize the fun by prioritizing our time birding and less time driving.

I do this to raise money for the Tucson Audubon Society, because I believe in the work it does for environmental conservation and education/outreach.  While letting me pretend to still be a scientist, collecting and analyzing data on bird populations in the southwest borderlands, I have also been able to participate in projects ranging from putting webcams in nest boxes to using voice-recognition software to find specific vocalizations amongst hundreds of hours of our sound recordings from the field.  In this coming year, I’m hoping to help with new projects in analyzing eBird data to follow bird populations, apply some new programs to analyze bird song, and see what other technology developments can be used to help us to help birds.  I really appreciate your support in the past and I’m asking you to again contribute towards those goals.



  • John Bartley: $1/species and $5/owl species
  • Stephen Helentjaris: $50 for every Falcon seen
  • Marcia Grand: $10/species; $100 for a rattler; $150 for 3 species Tiny Owls; $100 for 3 species frogs; $150 for a Large Lizard like a Gila Monster, Desert Iguana, Chuckwalla, etc; $150 for any 3 – javelina, coyote, bobcat, racoon, jackrabbit, skunk, deer, coatimundi; $10 for each working nest; $150 for one saguaro with an active nest in it; $150 for any 5 hummingbirds; $250 for mountain lion.
  • Betty & Pete Bengston: $150
  • Ruth Morton & Hal Bush: $1,000
ABOUT Birdathon 2023



Birds have a unique, special, and different meaning to each of us. So, too, is each of our connection with Tucson Audubon Society personal and distinct. During Birdathon, we combine the love of bird watching during spring migration with support for bird conservation.

Birdathoners are birders and social fundraisers, joining together to make a difference for the birds and habitats of Southeast Arizona. Birdathoners continue a tradition that has held strong for over 30 years! 

Each Birdathoner's personal network of supporters is what helps makes Birdathon possible. 

Birdathon donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tucson Audubon Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Supporting a team by writing a check?

  • Make checks payable to: Tucson Audubon Society
  • Write the team name on memo line
  • Mail to: 
    Tucson Audubon Society
    PO Box 91770
    Tucson, AZ 85752


Name Date Amount Comments
Marcia Grand 08/16/2023 $2,020.00  
Judith Ann Lincoln 06/10/2023 $200.00  
Ray M. Deeney 05/09/2023 $30.00  
John E. Bartley 05/08/2023 $206.47  
Dan Weisz 05/07/2023 $20.00  
Scott L. Wilbor 05/06/2023 $26.08  
Lisa Kim 05/03/2023 $309.56  
Hal Busch 04/27/2023 $1,000.00  
Jeffrey Habben 04/25/2023 $50.00  
Carleton DeTar 04/17/2023 $100.00 Good luck, Tim.
Virginia Daversa 04/15/2023 $100.00 Good luck and hope you have a very successful birding day!
Julee Dawson 04/15/2023 $26.08  
Donna Shattuck 04/13/2023 $208.62 Supporting Wrenegrades
Rebecca Yarrison 04/13/2023 $102.02  
Liz Harrison 04/13/2023 $103.39 Good luck!
Jim A. Gessaman 04/12/2023 $100.00 Tim, have a great day of birding.
Stephen Helentjaris 04/11/2023 $104.47  
Regina Kostyu 04/11/2023 $103.39  
Gregory N. Helentjaris 04/11/2023 $100.00  
Eva Kostyu 04/10/2023 $77.62  
Kurt Kostyu 04/10/2023 $25.00  
Diane Helentjaris 04/10/2023 $125.00 Good luck to you, Tim and the other Renegades!
Jack Gardiner 04/10/2023 $129.16  
Gay F. Gilbert 04/09/2023 $100.00  
  Total $5,366.86  
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