May 17, 2024

Hello ,

The Arizona Important Bird Areas Program is off to a great start this summer! We have already completed the first round of Yellow-billed Cuckoo surveys and have already had some great encounters with these amazing birds. There are few other very fun things happening this summer where you can volunteer to help us and get out and enjoy the monsoon weather in southeast Arizona.

NEW: Volunteer Needed for Arnett Creek Surveys near Boyce Thompson Arboretum

We are looking for a volunteer that is willing to drive to join a Yellow-billed Cuckoo survey in Arnett Creek with a Tucson Audubon staff member on the following dates:
  • Third survey period: 8/1
  • Fourth survey period: 8/11 (8/12 or 8/15 are back up dates for the fourth period)
It's a moderate 1mi hike in to access Arnett Creek, then roughly 2.5mi total of flat (but uneven and loose) hiking in Arnett Creek to conduct the survey. Total hiking distance is ~4.5mi.

We'd need to leave the Tucson Audubon Nature Shop at 4:30am, and would be back around 12:30pm.

Seen in the canyon on past two surveys: golden eagle, peregrine falcon, zone-tailed and common black hawks, traveling migrants

If you are interested in helping on one of the above dates please reply to this email or email Jennie at jmacfarland@tucsonaudubon.org

Volunteers Needed for Portal and Wilcox area surveys

Tucson Audubon is establishing some new bird survey routes in the Chiricahua Mountains and we need your help. These surveys are pretty flexible in terms of their timing, you just sign up for a route and time frame and do the survey on a morning that suites you. They are transect surveys so it is like birding along a specific route and writing down what you see. There are routes available in the Portal area as well as on Chiricahua National Monument, Pinery Canyon and Rucker Canyon (which are more accessible from Wilcox). If you are interested in helping with this effort please email Jennie at jmacfarland@tucsonaudubon.org or reply to this email. The surveys will start this summer and continue through next year.

Yellow-billed Cuckoo Surveys

This summer’s Yellow-billed Cuckoo surveys have been going very well on the Coronado National Forest. These surveys are an extension of last year’s effort and we found lots of cuckoos last year and we hope to keep that going this year. This project is directly related to the recent listing of this sub-species under the Endangered Species Act and could have real conservation outcomes of increased Critical Habitat designated for this species. We have many areas to survey and could really use your help.

The first round of surveys has been completed and we have three more to do which takes us nearly through the end of August. The remaining surveys are below with link to sign up for whichever dates interest you.

Survey #3

Tuesday August 2 – Whetstones (near Benson)

Thursday August 4 - Santa Catalinas/Rincons (north east of Tucson)

Wednesday August 10 - Huachucas (near Sierra Vista) and Canelos (near Sonoita)

Survey #4

Tuesday August 16 – Whetstones (near Benson)

Thursday August 18 - Santa Catalinas/Rincons (north east of Tucson)

Wednesday August 24 - Huachucas (near Sierra Vista) and Canelos (near Sonoita)

Also: I do need help from volunteers that have 4-wheel drive to do Beuhman Canyon Yellow-billed Cuckoo surveys (east side of the Santa Catalinas and off of Redington Road). This is just one route so it would be a volunteer with 4-wheel drive and a Tucson Audubon staff member. The dates for these surveys are somewhat flexible based on your availability. I have them all covered except the week of August 8th. If you are interested in an adventure into a surprisingly lush drainage and you have a 4-wheel drive vehicle please let us know and reply to this email.

If you would like any more information, please email Jennie at jmacfarland@tucsonaudubon.org or call Jennie at 520-209-1804



The Arizona Important Bird Areas Program would not exist without your support!

Thank you, , for joining with us to protect birds, other wildlife, and the places they live in Arizona, for future generations.



Tice Supplee
Director of Bird Conservation | Audubon Arizona tsupplee@audubon.org


Jennie MacFarland
AZ IBA Coordinating Biologist | Tucson Audubon jmacfarland@tucsonaudubon.org








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